This group-friendly recipe uses homemade Pomegranate Green Tea Liqueur to make sure holiday cheer is never in short supply. Look below the initial recipe to see how you can make this same recipe in a single serving.


15 oz. Pomegranate Green Tea Liqueur
5 oz. Vodka
5 oz. White rum
10 oz. Lime juice
10 oz. Champagne

  1. Combine all ingredients except champagne in a pitcher or punch bowl.
  2. Mix and chill in refrigerator 8 hours or more (overnight works best).
  3. Just before serving, add chilled champagne and stir carefully.
  4. Add ice, along with 10 lime wheels.
  5. Serve in punch glasses, ice optional.
  6. Garnish with lime wheel (also optional).
Single Serving:

The above recipe is designed to serve 8-10 thirsty guests. But if you only want one glass of this holiday punch, look no further:

  1. 1 ½ oz. Pomegranate Green Tea Liqueur
  2. ½ oz. Vodka
  3. ½ oz. White rum
  4. 1 oz. Lime juice
  5. 1 oz. Champagne

With a single serving, you simply build the ingredients in a highball or punch glass full of ice, adding the champagne last and stirring carefully. You can still garnish with a lime wheel if you’re feeling particularly fancy.
Please Enjoy Responsibly.

Prep: 5 mins
Yield: 8-10
Created By: Ted Kilgore

Make It Your Own’s in-house mixologist, Ted Kilgore, is a 17-year veteran of the bar and spirits world. Passing the B.A.R. with BAR Ready certification in 2007, he is now proprietor and Beverage Director at Planter’s House in St. Louis.