A delicious blend of autumn flavors, honey, fresh fruit and a hint of herbs. It feels right at home served chilled or warm, and is at its best when shared among friends.


5 bottles chardonnay
1 bottle EVERCLEAR® Grain Alcohol
3 cups natural honey
4 red delicious apples
4 oranges
4 cups peach slices
2 cinnamon sticks
3 stalks fresh rosemary
3 stalks fresh thyme

  1. Peel zest from oranges and place in a large, sealable container.
  2. Add honey and EVERCLEAR, seal and let steep for at least 1 hour.
  3. Make a bouquet using rosemary, thyme and cinnamon sticks. Set aside.
  4. Chop apples, peeled oranges and peaches into roughly 1-inch cubes.
  5. Place chopped fruit and bouquet of herbs into a large serving container of at least 2 gallons.
  6. Add chardonnay to chopped fruit and spices.
  7. Using cheesecloth and a mesh strainer, strain the honey, orange and Everclear® infusion into the serving container.
  8. Gently stir, refrigerate to store. May be served warmed or chilled.

Please Enjoy Responsibly.

Prep: 30 min. Steep: 2 hrs.
Yield: 2 gallons
Created By: Maziar Nooran

Maz is a St. Louis-based mixologist. After making a name for himself at places like Barcelona and Momos Greek Tavern, he opened Flaco’s Latin Cocina, specializing in Latin fare and Caribbean-inspired sangria infusions.