This unique take on the ever-popular Moscow Mule makes use of your homemade Ginger Liqueur and uses bourbon instead of vodka. Don’t worry, you can still enjoy it in a copper mug, if you prefer.


½ oz. Ginger Liqueur
1 ½ oz. Bourbon
¾ oz. Lemon juice
½ oz. Honey simple syrup (1:1 honey and water)
Mint sprig (6-8 leaves)
Club soda

  1. Combine Ginger Liqueur, bourbon, lemon juice, honey simple syrup and mint in a shaker full of ice.
  2. Shake vigorously.
  3. Strain into a Collins glass filled with ice.
  4. Top off with club soda.
  5. Garnish with mint leaves.

Please Enjoy Responsibly.

Honey simple syrup is made the exact same way as white simple syrup, only you use a 1:1 ratio of honey and water rather than sugar and water. See our basic simple syrup instructions for more.

Prep: 5 mins
Yield: 1 serving
Created By: Ted Kilgore

Make It Your Own’s in-house mixologist, Ted Kilgore, is a 17-year veteran of the bar and spirits world. Passing the B.A.R. with BAR Ready certification in 2007, he is now proprietor and Beverage Director at Planter’s House in St. Louis.